
Special Educational Needs

The school has achieved the Aspire Silver SEND Chartermark.
SEND Support
At our school we are committed to ensuring that any child in need of additional support has access to this. We offer a variety of intervention programmes. These programmes, identified by the needs of the children, are continually changing to reflect this. At present we have the following interventions available to children:
• Speech and Language Support
• Read, Write Inc.
• Social Skills support
• Fun fit for coordination skills
• Trauma Informed Schools
• Draw and talk
Identifying Children with SEND
Provision for children with special educational needs is a matter for the whole school. The governing body, the school’s head teacher, the SENDCo and all other members of staff, particularly class teachers and teaching assistants, have important day to day responsibilities. All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs. The school will assess each child’s current levels of attainment on entry in order to ensure that they build on the patterns of learning and experience already established during the child’s pre-school years. If the child already has an identified special educational need, this information may be transferred from other partners in their Early Years setting and the class teacher and SENDCo will use this information to:
 • Provide starting points for the development of an appropriate curriculum.
• Identify and focus attention on action to support the child within the class.
• Use the assessment processes to identify any learning difficulties.
• Ensure ongoing observation and assessments provide regular feedback about the child’s achievements and experiences to form the basis for planning the next steps of the child’s learning.
 Parents are free to contact the class teacher, SENDCo or the Headteacher at any time to discuss their child’s progress. Contact can be made through school reception or via the school email at:-
Moving between phases of education
The school is a straight through setting from Early Years, age 5 to 10 years of age.
The Early Years teacher arranges ‘home visits’ for all new entrants to the setting so that the school is aware of the needs of the children entering Nursery and our school. Additionally, class teachers  attend TAC meetings to ensure smooth transitions between phases for children with SEND. The Year 6 teacher, together with the Headteacher and SENDCo has meetings with Wadebridge School regarding transitions into secondary school for children with SEND. This has proved to be a very useful tool, and ensure that children are supported appropriately in secondary school.
Approach to teaching
The approach to teaching children with SEND
All our teachers are teachers of SEN. Pupils have been supported in following their interests, and the Curriculum regardless of their SEND. Children work in different groups depending on their ability and the specific task. A variety of learning styles are used so the children have the opportunity to engage in different ways. These include practical hands on activities, problem solving activities, drama, school trips, ICT. Children have also been given the opportunity to develop independence through the use of individual tasks as well as paired and group work. For some children, personalised and highly differentiated work is provided, enabling independent learning.
One-to-one support/individualised timetables are in place for some pupils who need more intensive support. Each class have teaching assistants who support children within the class during lessons as well as assisting them with catch up work or interventions. Teachers monitor and track all children in the class. Should a child not be making progress in line with their peers, this will be discussed with parents, the SENDCo and the Headteacher. From these discussions a course of action regarding intervention will be addressed and implemented. This will be reviewed regularly to ensure that the provision is meeting the needs of the individual.
Expertise and training of staff
Various members of staff have had SEN training within the last year. This has included
  •          Trauma Informed Schools training
  •          Team Teach training
  •          Makaton training
  •          Growth Mindset Training
  •          Autism Spectrum Disorder Training
  •          Work, Rest and Play (WRAP) Sensory processing training   
  •          Communication Strategy training
  •          Motional
Where additional expertise is required, this is brought in during the year. This has included an Educational Psychologist and Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy behaviour support, special ASD support and HUGS Foundation, Cognition and Learning Services and Disability Service. We have also had the support of Social Services, Family Support Workers, Community Nursing Team and the Education Welfare Officer.

If you have any concerns about the progress of your child, or if you feel that they may need additional support, please make an appointment to come in and see us.

Padstow School
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